What We Do
Thanks to Members’ support, expertise, and valuable contributions, the New York Energy Consumers Council (NYECC) remains the largest energy consumer advocacy organization in New York State, focusing on the goal of ensuring reliable and affordable energy for consumers. We provide a strong platform for valuable conversations among building owners and all members, and are very active in advocacy work.
Our membership is a balanced network of leading professionals from sectors that include large commercial and residential property owners and managers, hospitals, universities, financial institutions, consultants, technology and software providers and energy service companies. Our rate case advocacy on behalf of members has led to the avoidance of over $6 billion in electric, steam and gas costs for consumers in the last decade.
NYECC Activity Summary
The NYECC represents the interests of our members as an active party in each Con Edison rate case.
Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Legislation, Natural Gas Ban Legislation, etc. The NYECC advocates on behalf of building owners, submits written comments on legislation and testifies before City Council on proposed bills. Nearly a dozen NYECC members have been selected as experts on Working Groups for LL97 on Education, Commercial Buildings, Carbon and Energy Grid.
Multiple NYECC Members participate in the NYSERDA program for decarbonizing large commercial buildings.
The NYECC provides a valuable monthly forum for members to discuss the pandemic. Conversations include: Building energy usage levels and occupancy rates, working with tenants on retrofits and safety, disinfection technologies, impact on renewable energy jobs and energy prices, work from home policies, vaccine mandates and union relationships.
The NYECC annually hosts an event to celebrate leadership in energy innovation in New York City and features thought-provoking discussions on emerging energy topics. Well known government officials, corporate and non-profit leaders have been keynote speakers and award winners. In 2021, the NYECC awarded the first Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) Award.
The NYECC bi-annually meets with utility executives to discuss process improvement and ongoing issues.
The Committee meets throughout the year to pursue initiatives and create plans for additional topics of focus.